Welcome to QXL.WIN, the QL Container 

Contact me on: collector (followed by the usual email symbol and) qxl.win. Or via the qlforum.co.uk, I am user Chr$.

Recent additions - 4/2/25 added the Volume 7 Quanta Magazine downloads

WANTED: The missing 3rd of the ROM data for my pre-production QL

This is QXL.WIN, the online container* for my 'show and tell' of Sinclair QL related collection of hard/software. I like to focus on originality, so for each item I try to show a number of large images and for software I also list the names and sizes of all files on the original media plus the original media name - so you can compare your items (let me know about any differences). I often have swaps available or for sale and am always on the look-out for anything QL related that isn't on my list - especially original microdrive cartridges.

This website has been constructed (initially in 2021) using very basic HTML with just pictures and text in the hope that users of computers with less sophisticated browsers may also be able to access it.

Some related info: PDF intro to the QL and some hardware developments : Info on the Psion versions and labels : My Rarity Scale : Why I Collect QL? : Tips on Microdrive Cartridge Recovery : Cartridge Data Structure : My Recovery Statistics.

Eventually, when I find the time, I hope to add a page for every item (those in bold already have a page).

Fun fact: The text on this page (NOT including the images) and the HTML code that formats it (inc. Frontpage bloat), is 120kb in size, which is already too large to fit on the maximum amount of storage space available on a single QL Microdrive Cartridge (normally around 110kb).

*QXL.WIN was originally the name of the container file on IBM compatible FAT partitions that the 16-bit ISA Miracle Systems QXL(II) card used as its hard drive. Since then, it has become the main container file type for QDOS files and has been implemented on other QL compatible systems, is also implemented in a number of emulators and just recently got added support as a container file on SMSQ/E - the OS evolution of the QL's original QDOS. Ironically, QXL.WIN type container files can, in conjunction with the QL-SD interface, now be used on original QL computers.

ALSO  WANTED, do you have any of these cartridges: (I have annoyingly empty original boxes for them!)

Omega (Caret), Super Arcadia (Digital Precision), Super Sprite Generator (Digital Precision), The Designer (Pyramide), Transact (Dialog), QRam German version (QJump).



Sinclair QL Microdrive Games

The names in bold are links to separate info pages.

(original boxed Microdrive cartridges)

3D Slime - Datalink Systems Lands of Havoc - Microdeal
Area Radar Controller - Shadow Games Lost Pharaoh, The - Talent
BJ The Return - Eidersoft Match Point - Psion
BJ in 3D Land - Eidersoft Meteor Storm, QL - Sinclair/Arrakis
Bridge Player - CP Software Oxford Trivia - Talent
Bridge Player II - CP Software Quboids, QL - Sinclair/AJS
Bounder, QL - Sinclair Reversi, QL - Sinclair/Games of Skill
Cavern, QL - Sinclair, (feat. BJ) Scrabble, Computer - Leisure Genius
Chess - Psion branded Spook (Mighty Munchers) - Eidersoft
Chess, QL - Sinclair branded Star Guard & Galactic Invaders - Shadow Games
Citadel - Eidersoft Steve Davis Snooker - CDS Software
Cuthbert in Space - Microdeal Super Backgammon, QL - Digital Precision
Fictionary, QL- Whoopee/Sinclair Tank Busters - Sellasoft
Flight Simulator, QL - Microdeal Type 22 - Talent
Gwendoline - Labochrome Vroom AKA Wroom - Pyramide
Hopper, QL - Microdeal Wanderer, QL - Pyramide
Hungry Harry in Haunted House - Snowsoft Warship, GM - Complex Data Systems
Hyperdrive, QL - English Software War in the East (+ Scenarios) - Sharps Inc
Karate - Pointblank/Eidersoft Zapper with Eagle - Eidersoft
Knight Flight - Realtime  

Text Adventure Games (original boxed Microdrive cartridges):

Aquanaut 471 - Microdeal
Dark Side of the Moon, The - Javid Systems
Lost Kingdom of Zkul, The - Talent
Nemesis - Talent
The Talisman - PCBS
Pawn, QL - Sinclair/Magnetic Scrolls
West - Talent

Loose Microdrive cartridges - many of which were not originally supplied in boxes:

Crazy Painter (box missing) - Microdeal
Droidzone (box missing) - Digital Precision
Farmer (box missing) - Talent
Games Cartridge (supplied loose) - Sinclair/Various
Medic Games 1 (supplied loose) (M-Treasure & M-Cruncher)
(Medic Games 2) M-Metropolis (supplied loose)
Medic Games 3 (supplied loose) (M-Cosmic)
Quest: The Adventure (box missing) - Quest Automation Ltd
QSQUIDGE (supplied loose) - QL World exchange
QL RADAR (supplied loose) - QL World exchange
Super Croupier (box missing?) - Pyramide

Sinclair QL Microdrive Software

Bonus: Sinclair Branded brochure (PDF) and letter from Sinclair with price-list (PDF)

(utilities, business, programming etc, original boxed Microdrive cartridges):

68000 Software (Drawing Off-ICE) - Eidersoft Psion Suite, Spanish (general page)
ArtICE - Eidersoft Psion Suite, UK (general page)
Assembler Workbench (sm box) - Talent Psion Suite, USA (general page)
Assembler Workbench (lg box) - Talent Q Draw - Psion
Assembler, QL - Sinclair/GST Q Ram (v1.15) - QJump
BASIC-ALLY - Talent QSPELL (v2.11) - Eidersoft
CAD PAK (v5) - Datalink Systems Ram Disk and Print Spooler - Talent
Cartridge Doctor (v3.4g common page) - Talent RAM Disk and Utilities - QfLash
Cartridge Doctor (v3.4h common page) - Talent Shrub Databank & Planner (+ fruit) - Superplant
ChoICE - Eidersoft Sideways (v1.3) - Talent
Cosmos - Talent Starmouse - Investronica
Decision Maker, QL - Sinclair/Triptych Super Astrologer - Digital Precision
File Transfer - QuaLsoft Supercharge (Special), QL - Digital Precision
Flashback - Sector Software Task Master - Sector Software
Front Page - Gap Software Tascopy QL - Tasman Software
Gardener, QL - Sinclair/Gordian Computing Tasprint QL - Tasman Software
GraphicQL - Talent Technikit - Talent
Home Finance, QL - Sinclair/Buzzz Software TechniQL - Talent
ICE Toolkit - Eidersoft Toolset, QL (v1.0) - Talent
Integrated Accounts, QL - Sinclair/Sage Toolkit, QL - Sinclair/QJump
Machine-Code Editor/Assembler, QL - McGraw The QL Super Monitor - Digital Precision
Nucleon - Pyramide Toto 13 - JCE
Peintre, QL - Pyramide Touch Typist - Sector Software
Project Planner, QL - Triptych Touch 'n' Go, QL - Sinclair/Harcourt Systems
Psion Suite, French (general page) Viewpoint - Rubicon
Psion Suite, German (general page) Z80 Assembler, QL - C L Lang
Psion Suite, Italian (general page)  

Loose Microdrive cartridges - many of which were not originally supplied in boxes:

4Matter - Zitasoft QL ART - Eidersoft
Assembler Development Kit, QL - Metacomco QL Expert - (expert system shell 'AI') Compware
C Development Kit, QL - Metacomco Qliberator 3.22a - Liberation Software
Cash Trader, QL (CT) - Sinclair/Quest Group QLINK v1.497 - Meta Media Productions
Cash Trader, QL (Report) - Sinclair/Quest Group Qplus+ v2.4 - Sandy
Computer One Pascal (v2.0 and v2.01) Small Traders Pack, QL -
Computer One Monitor Special Digital C - Digital Precision
CP/Mulator - Sandy Special Digital C - Digital Precision
Desktop Publisher - Digital Precision Special Editor (1) - Digital Precision
Digital C (SE) 2 - Digital Precision Tascopy, QL - Tasman Software
Editor (1), The - Digital Precision Terminal v4.0 - Qcode
Editor (2), The - Special? - Digital Precision Tony Firshman (xmodem)
EyeQ v2.0 / 2.1 - Digital Precision (caution nudity ;) ) Tridim, QL - Pyramide
Gigachrome v1.01 - ABC Elektronik Turbo Toolkit - Digital Precision
IDIS (Disassembler) - Digital Precision User's Toolkit, QL - Bestmalt Ltd
Lightning - Digital Precision Utilities, QL - Sinclair (German version)
Locksmithe - Zitasoft Write Turn - Sector Software
Microdrive Toolkit - Compware QSNAIL (DIY Assembler) - QL User supplied
MON QL - HiSoft Multiplication (73.)  - QL World exchange
Pathways, QL (original sales demo) - Sinclair FileBound - QL World exchange
Poolswinner v2.0 - Xenon League Secretary (67.) - QL World exchange
Pro Pascal (2) - Prospero Software  
P-System - TDI  

Sinclair QL Floppy Disk Games/Software

(many of which were not originally supplied in boxes):

2488 - Software 87 Q40 Support Disk - D&D
ArtICE v1.2 - Eidersoft Q40 QDOS Classic v3.25 - Kowalik/Swift
Black Knight - JMS QD Editor v9 - JMS
Brain Smasher! - JMS QDIII v4F11 (French exclusive) - JMS
Card v1.03 - Ultrasoft/HaWi QL/MS-DOS v4.0x - Digital Precision
ClipArt parts I, II and III, The - PROGS Qliberator 3.36 - Liberation Software
Cosmos+ (1988) - Talent (Corrupt) QLOAD & QREF - Liberation Software
DiscOver - PDQL QL-PC Fileserver II - DiRen
Disk Mate 5 - PM Data QMENU menu extensions v4 - JMS
Disk Utilities - Ergon Development QPAC I (EN) - QJump (5.25" Disk version)
Doctor Editor - Arvid Borretzen QPAC I (EN) - QJump (3.5" Disk version)
EasyCircuit v2.01 - A von Doellen QPAC II (DE) - QJump
EASYPTR 3 Basis (German) - Albin Hessler QPAC2 v1.04 (EN) - QJump
FiFi File Finder (French) - JMS QPAC2 v124F (EN) - QJump
Fleet Tactical Command - DiRen QPAC2 v120F (French) - QJump
Font Master v1.09 - Digital Precision QPTR v0.07 - QJump
founted89 - Software 87 QPTR v0.11 - QJump
fountext88 (English) - Software 87 QPTR v0.29 - QJump
fountext88 (German) - Software 87 QRAM - QJump
fountext94 founts 1 - Software 87 Qshang - JMS
graFix v3.0 - Digital Precision  QTYP 2.08 - Software 87
HDD-Card - ABC Elektronik Question Master & Quiz Set 1 - DJC
Hermes Zusatzdateien (German) - TF Services Return to Eden (english) - Hallmark Software
HyperHelp for Basic - JMS Silicon Express (Prog loader, FR) - Silicon Express
Lightning - Digital Precision SER Mouse - Albin Hessler
Lightning Accelerator (SE) - Digital Precision SMSQ v2.76 for QXL Card - QBranch
Lightning (SE) - Digital Precision SMSQ/E for QXL Card - QBranch
Lonely Joker V2, The - JMS Solution - Digital Precision
Look & Show v1.3 - SPEM Solvit Plus 2 & Dictionaries, Disks 1, 2 & 3 - DJC
Mathematical & Graphical Toolkit - Chalmers Speedscreen Configuration - Creative Codeworks
Mathematical & Graphical Toolkit - Svenska QL Grp Success (CP/M) - Digital Precision
Oracle, The - JMS text87 (German) - Software 87
Painter, The - PROGS text87 (English) - Software 87
(PC) Conqueror v1.16 - Digital Precision Thor Desk - Urs Koenig
Publisher's Pack - Software 87 Type 22 - Talent+/RWAP
Professional Publisher - Digital Precision typeset90 - Software 87
ProWesS & ProWesS Docs  

Sinclair QL related Hardware, including modern QL compatible systems:

Test Equipment

Original Thorn EMI Factory Test Jig for UK made QL's

QL or QL Based Computers

ZX-83 Pre-production / Prototype QL
Sinclair QL Computer, UK Version (Thorn EMI)
Sinclair QL Computer, DE Version (Samsung)
Sinclair QL Computer, FR Version (Thorn EMI)
Sinclair QL Computer, ES Version (Thorn EMI)
Sinclair QL Computer, IT Version (Thorn EMI)
Sinclair QL Computer, SW(eden) Version (Samsung)
Sinclair QL Computer, Issue 7 with Schoen Keyboard
Aurora v1.0, Motherboard
Sandy QXT 640
BT Merlin Tonto
Q40 Computer
Q68 Computer


Q+ Disk Interface + 256k RAM by PCML
Floppy Disk Interface + drive by Micro Peripherals
Trump Card by Miracle Systems
QuintupLer Modern 512K Internal RAM
512K EXPANDERAM by Miracle Systems
Gold Card by Miracle Systems
Super Gold Card by Miracle Systems
RAM-Plus (512K) by CST
HDD (MFM) Interface Card by ABC
Twin Expansion Unit by Sandy
TDI Trump Card Clone by Tetroid
(XT) Keyboard Interface by ABC
(AT) Keyboard Interface by Di-Ren
Digitiser by SPEM
QL Keyboard by SPEM
QL Printer by Sinclair
Qimi Mouse Interface by QJUMP
QL-VGA v1 by Marcel Kilgus
QL-SD v1 by Graf/Kilgus
C Compiler ROM by Metacomco
SUPERToolkit v2.20 ROM by QJUMP
SUPERToolkit v2.05 ROM by QJUMP
ICE Icon Controlled Environment ROM by Eidersoft

Website Extras

The complete Volume 7 of the Quanta monthly magazines as PDF files.

(non QL related) - The Grundig GV280S-PC VCR, with pdf manuals and software etc.

QXL.WIN (c) 2021 - 2025 by Chr$. RIP Sir Clive.