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Original Sinclair QL boxed Microdrive cartridge.
Title: Lands of Havoc
Estimated Rarity (1 - 10): 7
Publisher/Author: Microdeal/Steve Bak.
Original Media Name: microdeal
Notes: Nicely presented large box containing a cassette jewel box for the cartridge, 9 glossy postcard-sized map sections and a double postcard containing background information and 'The Prophecy'. Mine also came with a 'The Cuthbert Club' invitation.
Visible Files on Media: boot (151 bytes), boot1 (151 bytes), backup (221 bytes), backup1 (2199 bytes), havoc (12,000 bytes), char (25,000 bytes), maps (7,776 bytes), pic (32,768 bytes).
Media/packaging images:
Page on QL Wiki: https://wiki.qlforum.co.uk/doku.php?id=qlwiki:lands_of_havoc
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