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Original Sinclair QL boxed Microdrive cartridge.
Title: Medic Games 1. Cartridge contains M-Treasure and M-Cruncher - both in the public domain, here.
Estimated Rarity (1 - 10): 6
Publisher/Author: Medic Datasystems/Janko Mrsic Flogel
Original Media Name: 1341©MEDIC, and another has 176©MEDIC©, so I assume each may have had a different 'serial' number? The content is identical.
Notes: Loose cartridge only (did not come with packaging). I believe these red-labelled Medic cartridges were given away to people that had had a very long wait for software that they had ordered. To run, you have to create a backup, then put the original in mdv2_. I can't get either game to load in Q-emulator, not sure why.
Visible Files on Media: boot_1 (2,208 bytes), m_boot (5,312 bytes), tres_code (45,000 bytes), boot (3,154 bytes), crun_code3 (29,000 bytes).
Media/packaging images:
Pages on QL Wiki: https://qlwiki.qlforum.co.uk/doku.php?id=qlwiki:mtreasure
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