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Original Sinclair QL boxed Microdrive cartridge.

Title: Type 22

Estimated Rarity (1 - 10): 8

Publisher/Author: Talent/John G Burns

Original Media Name: Type 22 a & Type 22 b

Notes: A5 printed manual present, but not shown. Instructions are also provided on cartridge b. There is no 'pl4' file on cartridge b. This is one of those complex naval simulation games with a steep learning curve.

Visible Files on Media: Cartridge a: boot2 (331 bytes), boot (308 bytes), Sh1 (192 bytes), TactECS_DAT (1,045 bytes), Type22_SCRN (32,768 bytes), Sh2 (191 bytes), Sh3 (236 bytes), Sh4 (345 bytes), Sh5 (352 bytes), Sh6 (347 bytes), Sh7 (338 bytes), Sh8 (300 bytes), Sh9 (346 bytes), Sh10 (275 bytes), Sh11 (202 bytes), Sh12 (231 bytes), Sh13 (193 bytes), Type22_COM (59,988 bytes), backup (432 bytes). Cartridge b: pl1 (8,600 bytes), Scores_DAT (185 bytes - size will vary), pl10 (8,600 bytes), pl2 (8,600 bytes), pl3 (8,600 bytes), pl5 (8,600 bytes), pl6 (8,600 bytes), pl7 (8,600 bytes), pl8 (8,600 bytes), manual_lis (30,834 bytes), backup (432 bytes).

Media/packaging images:


Page on QL Wiki: https://qlwiki.qlforum.co.uk/doku.php?id=qlwiki:type22

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