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Original Sinclair QL boxed Microdrive cartridge.
Title: Sideways (or QL-Sideways) v1.3
Estimated Rarity (1 - 10): 7
Publisher/Author: Talent/Nic Clift
Original Media Name: Sideways
Notes: The box suffers from something that other Talent titles of this style also suffer from - the black ink and/or the clear plastic seems to have degraded over time and they've stuck to each other, which makes it very difficult to remove the paper from behind the plastic.
Instructions missing. I haven't looked into it further.
Visible Files on Media: sideways (64,432 bytes), boot (2,319 bytes), 1 (5,572 bytes), bboot (334 bytes), default_defn (1,341 bytes), 2 (7,644 bytes), demo_lis (3,630 bytes).
Media/packaging images:
Page on QL Wiki: https://qlwiki.qlforum.co.uk/doku.php?id=qlwiki:sideways
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