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Original Sinclair QL boxed Microdrive cartridge.

Title: Zapper (with Eagle)

Estimated Rarity (1 - 10): 3

Publisher/Author: Eidersoft/Janko Mrsic Flogel

Original Media Name: ZAPPER


Visible Files on Media:

BOOT (496 bytes), Eagle (114 bytes), Eagle_cde (36,500 bytes), Zapper (187 bytes), Zapper_cde (23,000 bytes), copy (410 bytes).

Media/packaging images:


Initial Menu.

Zapper intro screen.

Zapper, in-game screen.

Eagle intro screen.

Eagle, in-game screen.

Page on QL Wiki: https://qlwiki.qlforum.co.uk/doku.php?id=qlwiki:zapper

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